Saturday, May 16, 2015

Should I be worried?

  I'm getting just a tad worried.  Here it is the middle of May with summer travels just around the corner and no gray truck in sight.  I ALWAYS have the WHOLE back seat to myself so I can travel in comfort.
Well, Dad and Momma showed up the other day with a white and gold more gray.
Now what REALLY has me worried is the comment I heard Dad make. "We can't have that old gray Hickory dog liner in this truck."  OH NO!  Now he certainly wouldn't leave his buddy, his pal, his coffee break companion at home...would he?
And then I was able to relax a bit this afternoon when Dad walked in the house carrying the most beautiful reddish brown roll of vinyl.  It matches my coat perfectly.  When Momma gets my new dog liner made for the back seat, I'll bet I could go into stealth mode.  They won't even know I'm in the truck 'cuz I'll blend right in.
Road trip time.....and I'm ready!!!