The gal at the cooking class said you don't have to fight the crush at Cafe DeMonde in the French Quarter to get good beignets. At City Park, you can visit Morning Call.
They decided to take the ferry from Algiers Point to New Orleans instead of driving over the bridge. Just $1 for seniors. What a deal!!
And that of course means using public transportation. For $3 you and purchase a Jazzy 1 Day pass and ride the trolley all day, hopping on and off.
The trolley is even air conditioned.
Now the day was fun and different BUT Momma said she sure is glad she doesn't live where she has to depend on public transportation. Can you imagine how many trips you would have to make to the store just to bring home groceries? I mean, you can only carry so many bags at a time. And when you exit the trolley, you have to carry those bags to your final destination. She said she saw a couple of riders loaded down with a few bags, but not near what she would have had in the trunk of her car. I wonder what size dog food bag she would purchase if she had to bring it home on the trolley? Hmmm....
But we don't live in the crush of New Orleans where parking is a premium ($25 to park for 3 hours yesterday). But just look at the view on the those narrow streets decorated with balconies.
And of course you would have to love yellow and purple if you were a true Louisianian.
But I personally think some people just get carried away.....
Yep, their rig has been painted with purple and yellow swirls. WOW!! I wonder what their underwear looks like??
...on the road again
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