Saturday, July 1, 2017

Favorite Scenery

Portage Valley/Girdwood, AK
June 29, Thursday

Travel day today and what a successful experience.  The Moose is Loose Bakery was open AND Dad even found ample parking when we zipped into Soldotna, about midway on our travel schedule from Homer to Girdwood. 

Now if the line inside to be served is any indication, this place rocks!! And if that isn't proof enough, just check out this pic...

I think Dad's grin says it all.  Momma was told that this establishment made the BEST donuts anywhere.  Dad agreed that they were light, tasty and enjoyable, but Rise N Roll in Indiana still is number one on his list with the Moose is Loose Bakery running a very close second.  Of course that may change after he partakes in the glazed apple fritter donut that is wrapped in the to-go bag and waiting for his attention.

So the travel break was a success.  And the scenery on the trip was a treat as well.  Momma says she thinks this area:  Copper Landing, Porter, Girdwood, Portage, Seward has the best views. 

As we were zipping along the scenic highway that was shadowing bodies of water with the HUGE mountains in the background, we suddenly came upon a good indication that fishing season is open.  It looked like an overflowing checkerboard.  Not only were there numerous fishermen lining the banks of the stream/creek, but in the middle of the water (in a checkerboard pattern) were fishermen up to their hips in water on this 57 degree, overcast, damp day.  They were making use of the sand bar.  It was drizzling just a bit off and on.  We've heard that is suppose be when the fishing is best.  I was glad to be stretched out in the backseat, warm and dry.

It was drizzling when we arrived but it didn't take long to set up.  Momma said she had a bit of deja vu from the stay in Chicken.  The host checking her in took her out to the porch of the office building and pointed to the left saying, "There are no flush toilets on site but there are 'primitives' over that way and a couple of port a potties on the other side of the office.  There are showers way over there.  Come look off to the right.  The dump station is by those two yellow posts.  Each site has 30 amp and water and you are over there on site 33.  We have plenty of DVD's in the office that you can borrow (which was the same thing as saying no TV broadcast in this area.)  Feel free to use the grill and come to the lean-to patio area for our fire.  Oh yes, no laundry on site." 
But never fear, Momma had plans that would keep them entertained while I earned my dinner guarding our home on wheels.

After making sure I was fed and happy, Dad and Momma headed out to Alyeska Aerial Tram for some high dining. 

Yep, you read right.  They went from 300 ft above sea level to 2300 ft in 6 minutes on an aerial tram and dined at the Bore Tide Deli with a view.  Alyeska Resort is a ski lodge in the winter months complete with competition slopes and chair lifts.  When they first opened up years ago, people would line up with their $5 bill for a helicopter ride to the top so they could ski down.  After a few years, they were able to afford the construction of a chair lift...a 25 minute ride on a wooden chair that left your bottom frozen to the seat by the time you reached the top.  When you reached the top, you would warm up at the Roundhouse by sitting on a fire heated seat.
You don't have to ride the tram. You can spend an hour and a half to 3 hours hiking up the zig zagging trail.

It's a pretty steep climb, but there were a few attempting it.  They would have the privilege of a free ride back down.

The day also included a black bear and an eagle sighting.   Another great day in Alaska, even with bit of drizzle and overcast sky.

......on the road again

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