Wednesday, July 5, 2017

I LOVE salmon you know

Valedez, Ak
July 4th

Quick facts on Valdez:
*  Town covers 274 square miles
*  Population approximately 4,000
*  Average annual rainfall 64 inches
*  Average snow fall: 325 inches with 560 being the record in 89/90
*  Record sun: 33 days above 70 degrees with 60 average high/46 average low in summer; winter has 22 degrees ave high /17 low

So it was drizzling when we arrived.  It drizzled the following day.  Will we be able to enjoy one of those 33 sunny days?  We all felt sorry for these tenters on the cold wet ground in the drizzle while we had the furnace keeping us warm and the solid walls keeping us dry when we weren't venturing out with our rain gear on.

Momma had met the owners of this RV park, Eagle's Rest at the January Tampa, FL Super RV Show.  She said if we time it right, we would be able to enjoy one of their pot lucks where the owners fire up the grills and the campers just bring a side dish to share.  The timing was perfect for the salmon pot luck. 
Yes!  July 4th was fantastic, sunny and just plain enjoyable!!

 The gal on the left above is 'Mrs. Owner'.  Her husband was our escort to our site.  Nice folks.

I must say I was disappointed in the 'no dogs invited' to the pot luck rule.  I do love salmon.  It's in my daily dog food.  I may still be in luck though as Momma and Dad went to Peter Pan Fish Market/Cannery and purchased some local salmon, halibut and scallops all shrink wrapped and ready to travel at a reasonable price.  After hearing the higher prices at our other stops, I was beginning to wonder if we would be putting anything in the freezer.  Now, I just need to coax it out of the freezer and into my belly.

.....on the road again

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