Sunday, August 16, 2015

Ahhh... perfume to my nostrils

Okay, I really thought I was being helpful.  I mean I do have a lovely coat of fur.  And Dad has often said I should be a mop and help clean up a bit.  Now, I know I don't normally offer my assistance, but the smell was just sooooo enticing.  Diesel fuel.  Now there's a perfume I can really enjoy!! 
You see, Dad decided to change the fuel filter on the truck really didn't go as planned.  He had secured a filter from the local Autoparts store but alas, it was the wrong size.  By the time he got done monkeying around and trying to put the old one back on for the third time, it wasn't sealing and he had a mess.  That's when I appeared and decided to help mop up.
I turned my head slightly to the right, lowered it to the driveway and slithered along the cement right into the middle of the puddle.  Of course Dad was busy muttering bad words under his breath and didn't even notice my help so.....I trotted in the house to show Momma what a helpful gal I was.  
Well, to make a long story short.....I suddenly found myself on the wash rack out back with a thick coat of suds covering my gorgeous fur and eradicating that beautiful perfume I had worked so had to accumulate.  
That would have normally been fine...relaxing even.  I do enjoy a good body massage but.....about the time I was just beginning to enjoy my sudsy experience, a HUGE, LOUD, BOOMING clap of thunder undid me.  I  wanted off that wash stand and ....and....well, I just wasn't sure where I wanted to be. I mean Momma was still there and she protects me....but...Gosh that was loud!!  Hurry Momma, let's take cover before it happens again.......


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