Friday, June 23, 2017

Reindeer and Musk Ox near Palmer

Palmer:  Reindeer and Musk Ox Farms
June 22

The reindeer are very docile animals so our tour guide took us into the pen armed with food so we would be certain to have an up close and personal encounter.  The reindeer know the routine and were more than willing to enjoy the treats...even nudging if the treats weren't served up fast enough.  But all you had to do was put your hands in the stop position and they backed off.

Now the Elk on the other hand don't have the temperament or manners of the reindeer so we observed and fed them thru the fence.

There is one bull who is "in charge" of the herd.....the big boss.
And he is the ONLY male.  Males wont' tolerate any competition.  If another male was introduced, in about 5 minutes there would be just one male alive according to our tour guide.

Our tour guide pointed out that the reindeer have big hooves that spread out to act as snowshoes.

The farm had taken in a rescued moose who lost his mom and needed bottle feeding.  This baby is fed 18% fat content milk.  He'll be doing some fast growing!!

Now what do you think of this moose?  

Or this one?

Dad enjoyed catching up with his friend Bill, from Arizona.  His wife, Jan is holding the antlers in the pic above.

The gang moved on to the Musk Ox farm next.  These animals could care less that anyone came to see long as we abide by a few rules.    Our tour guide explained that everyone needs to stay in a not spread out.... so that we aren't viewed as a threat.  The wolf is the predator of the musk ox.   If a musk ox should charge, they run at 30 miles per hour and due to their size, it would not be healthy to be in their line of charge. 

These musk ox are raised for their qiviut...the fine under hair that is combed out and can be knitted into scarfs, hats, mittens, etc.  It is very soft, warm and expensive.  Aunt Janice was admiring a hat that was over $200.  Our tour guide had a knitted cowl that was also priced over $200.  He said it was one of the 'perks' he received for working there. 

I'm glad Momma and Dad weren't tired out from feeding all the other animals today.  I still got all my 'snacks' and cookie bones at coffee time...along with lots of strokes and a belly rub.   They do love me you know.....

......on the road again

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