Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Whitehorse, Yukon

Whitehorse is the capital of Yukon and thus, it does have more than one street..heehee.  I know that they have a Canadian Tire that has a parts department that rescued us (water pump for Dodge 2500).   There is also a small ‘neighborhood’ Walmart….as in limited groceries and a much smaller store than our Super Stores but man do they ever have a full parking lot.  At first we thought we were at a used RV sale.  There had to have been at least 50 rigs ‘camping’ in the parking lot. 

 I didn’t see any rigs camping out at the Canadian Super Store which was indeed a super store with full grocery as well as pharmacy and department store items. 

Pioneer RV Park caters to the dirty.  I made use of the pet wash and now have a shiny coat once again.  Momma went to get change to operate the ‘dog shower’.  The lady in the office told her the machine took loonies or toonies.  Momma already had two toonies ($2 coins) and the lady told her she had plenty of change to wash a dog.  Momma decided with all my fur, I may use more….and she was right.  It took 3 toonies just wash me.  She decided to bring me back to the campsite and use the hair dryer on me seeing as the machine’s dyer was only ambient air (and she was out of toonies).   It really warmed up nice this afternoon for all this washing after beginning at 46 degrees. 

My ride got a shine as well.  Dad had enough loonies to give the Ram a bath as well.  It only took 4 loonies ($1 coins) to wash it.  Now $10 may sound like a lot to wash up the wheels and me but it was only $7.44 when you convert it to US dollars.  What a deal!!!

While Momma and Dad were waiting for the temperature to get warm enough for my tubby, they decided to visit the Yukon Visitor Center for the free Wi-Fi, Yukon movie and more tourist literature.  Dad zipped to the barbershop while Momma caught up on e-mail.  He was in shock when he returned.  Hendrick’s Barbershop charged him $25 for his trim.  Big Al’s at home gives him a $7 cut by comparison.  Momma converted it to US dollars…$18.60….but he still didn’t feel much better. Especially seeing as it is a strange cut…..we’ll call it the ‘Yukon Cut’.  Way shorter in the crown than usual!!  He decided he needed coffee and snack.  The gal at the visitor center grabbed a map said you are here, just go to Baked which is right about here on the map. 

Well, they headed off but couldn’t find the location so they asked a local.  She said, “Oh, you need to go two more blocks, turn left and you’ll see it on the corner of 3rd.”  So off they went thinking boy, no wonder they couldn’t find it.  The directions from the visitor center were way too vague to ever find it.  Thank goodness for friendly locals.

When they arrived, they were surprised but….it is the Yukon….so maybe their bakery/coffee shops are also liquor stores. It said Heavenly Baked.   There was definitely more liquor than anything else.  They did manage to purchase coffee and a soft drink but the only ‘snack’ was some pizza spinning in a warmer that they passed on.  They just couldn’t believe that this was the recommendation!

The next stop was the Transportation Museum.  They were greeted with a HUGE plane weathervane in the front of the museum.  Quite an interesting collection of old dump trucks…as in the kind used in 1942 to blaze the Alaskan Highway thru the forest… vintage train car, vintage airplanes…mostly parts as they used them until they died, a snowmobile, an ancient stage coach, an open sleigh used for the long trip from Whitehorse to Dawson complete with a fur blanket …somehow I think you’d need more than that for the day long ride to stay warm in the subzero temps, and additional museum treasures.   There were also pictures and the story of a pilot and his passenger who crashed and survived 49 days in subzero weather before finally being found and rescued.  For some reason, they didn’t have the recommended food, sleeping bags, and survival gear in their plane so they ran out of their meager supplies after 9 days.  They each lost over 50 pounds and because they both were a bit overweight, they were aided in their fight to stay alive by the fat stored in their bodies.  All they had was snow they heated for water for the last 40 days.  They did have a bit of toothpaste that they sometimes flavored it with.  Quite the story!

As Momma and Dad departed the museum, they asked the cheerful young gal (college student home the summer) at the ticket counter for a recommendation for a light lunch.  Well now, she was definitely more helpful than the gal at the visitor center….and the local who gave us directions.  She gave us great directions to the location we were supposed to go to for coffee break plus an additional choice.  The decision was made to check out the REAL ‘Baked’ location.  It became clear why the gal at the visitor center recommended this location.  Yum!!  Great soup and Dad enjoyed his coffee and scone.  What a chuckle they got over all the confusion earlier in the day. 

When they returned to the campground, they discovered a puddle of water under Aunt Janice’s rig and water dripping from the underbelly.  Momma immediately shut off the city water valve at the end of the hose and sent Aunt Janice a text message.  They had headed into Skagway today on a day trip.  Well, it seems the toilet valve didn’t return after flushing and the water ran…and ran….and ran….until this afternoon when Momma turned off the outside valve.  It wasn’t quite as bad as it could have been but many items in the bay needed to be dried out as well as the bathroom floor.  No water made it to the bedroom or the downstairs area…Whew!!  The heat duct collected most of it.  They are lucky that they have so much daylight to dry everything out.  Did I mention that we go to bed when it is light out and get up when it is light out?  Does it ever get dark here?  Momma and Dad were smart to put blackout shades in the bedroom.  I sleep like a baby!!!


……on the road again

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