Monday, July 17, 2017

In Canada but heading back into Alaska

Junction 37: Cassier Highway

July 12  – 13

Tonight we are staying at the Junction of the Alaskan Highway and Hwy 37, also known as Cassiar Highway.  We are on a route to Hyder, Alaska.  Our mission:   The Bear Bridge.  If the salmon are running, then the bears will be present and we get to observe their behavior from the bridge up above all the action. 

This is another no frills, full hook up 30 amp facility but they aren’t picky about washing at our site so it will be rig and truck wash time.  We have sunshine and this is one of our rare 'no long sleeves required' day for Momma and Dad.  And that means it is warm enough for Tubby Day for me.  Shiny coat once again.  Everything/one is getting scrubbed clean.

Yes, we are traveling in Canada on Cassiar Highway in British Columbia and we will camp in Stewart, BC.  A day trip will take us across the border into Hyder, Alaska.  There is one campground in Hyder, but RV Park Reviews strongly recommend staying in Stewart.  Note:  I was surprised to read that there is no US customs at the border, but there is a Canadian station to cross back into Canada. 

Aunt Janice and Uncle Robin must have been anxious to get on the road today.  At 8 am, Aunt Janice announced that they were all hooked up and going to head up the road.  I was surprised to see them all buttoned up at 8 am and she said, “Oh no, it’s 9 am. Didn’t your clocks flip?  My watch and phone did." 
Well, I thought it rather strange, but then again, with no cell service or wifi in the area????  And of course it was raining this morning…..wash job = rain day!!  At least the rain had slowed down by the time we buttoned up, but it was still not one of our fun things to do….pack up in the drizzle.  Well, actually, I stayed pretty dry stretched out in the back seat waiting for my driver and navigator.

Our plans were to stop at the Jade Mine and Store midway on the trip.  Of course we were an hour behind them but Aunt Janice had been shopping and enjoying spending money. 
We really found it strange that even our truck clock and our GPS didn’t indicate a time zone change so when we questioned the gals at the Jade Store, they confirmed our suspicions.  Aunt Janice was an hour off and she hustled Uncle Robin this morning just so we could enjoy a good chuckle for the day.  Aunt Janice is on her own time zone!  Hee hee

Cassiar Highway is a nice paved road with a few twists and turns to make it interesting and no shoulders to speak of.  There are pull of spots occasionally but not much in the way of services or even buildings along the way. And no cell service.
  Lots and lots of forests.  We decided to make our night’s stay at Dease Lake at …yep…you guessed it….Dease Lake RV Park. Very creative park name.    When we arrived in the early afternoon, the park was pretty empty.  Now as evening is upon us, the park has filled up with overnighters just like us.  There really isn’t much reason to stay in the area.  It’s just a stop off on a long highway. 
We did have a visitor to the park.
This fox visits regularly looking for handouts.

Noticing some of the names that we have encountered, it really makes one wonder how the names came to be.  Muddy Lake…shallow lake with what appears to be a muddy bottom; Blue Water River ….which doesn’t have any blue to it at all..wishful thinking that it will turn into blue water?;  Parker Creek…..maybe there was an old man Parker??.  But the one that really intrigued us was Baking Powder Creek.  HUH????  Now how do you suppose that name came about?
Don't you just love my shiny all weather coat?
.....on the road again

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