Friday, June 26, 2015

Boy would I have enjoyed the day on the Bavarian Belle if I had only been invited to go along.  They even served fresh popped popcorn and huge, soft pretzels. 

The Bavarian Belle tours the Carr River from a port in downtown Frankenmuth, Michigan.  Even the ducks look forward to the boat on the river.  As soon as they see the boat coming, they run down the river banks, into the water and swim toward the boat to enjoy popcorn tossed to them by the passengers.
Now the snack was good, but not near as filling as the family style dinner served at the Bavarian Inn.  Lightly breaded chicken with loads of sides.  And of course Jerry enjoyed teasing with the waitress who was dressed in Bavarian costuming. 
Now who is the most handsome, the wooden soldiers or those two gentlemen in the middle?  They may not be as tall, but they sure have livelier personalities!!

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